4R’s was registered in 1993 as a non-profit charitable organization (Charitable Registration Number: BN 89887 0530 RR0001) comprising qualified, experienced teachers, concerned parents, and supporters.
We value students who learn differently and believe that every child can learn no matter how severe a learning difficulty they have. We recognize that self-esteem comes from happiness with oneself, one’s relationships, and one’s achievements. To this end, we work to promote an atmosphere of goodwill, encouragement and support for all who come to us by working from strengths to help overcome weaknesses. We implement structured, individualized programmes with caring and experienced teachers who provide positive and immediate feedback.
We confer and interact with parents, helping them identify and understand their child’s needs. We aim to improve communication between school, home, and 4R’s by providing advocacy personnel when requested.
First students enrolled
After an initial donation of $200 from a family court judge, the Fee Assistance Program is born.
Given charitable non profit status as 4R’s Tutoring Society
An addition to the 4R’s Centre brings the total to 12 individual classrooms
Name officially changed to 4R’s Education Centre (Soc.), which better represents what we do.
A fresh logo design is unveiled along with a brand new website.
Our Goal:
- to help students reach their true potential through providing positive and successful learning experiences
- to provide financial assistance for those families whose income would otherwise preclude them from accessing the one to one expert help being offered
We Offer:
- individual assessment and evaluation of reading, writing and/or math skills, plus evaluation of learning style, study and organizational skills
- personalized programmes, learning strategies and educational games to meet individual needs and reinforce skills
- instruction in study skills
- one-to-one teaching by experienced, certified and encouraging teachers in a relaxed, informal atmosphere
- open communication between parents, teachers and other involved agencies
- year-round availability, including a flexible summer schedule
Over the years, 4R’s has become synonymous with successful learning and increased self-esteem in our students.
“I have noticed a significant improvement in both my son’s ability to read and his self-esteem. The teachers at 4R’s are committed to providing a productive, fun learning experience.”